
The Journey of Life and Time

Life and time, two things intertwined, 

Moving forward, leaving the past behind. 

A journey we take, without a map, 

No way to know, what’s waiting at the next lap.


Time flows like a river, never stopping, 

Carrying us along, never pausing or dropping.

 We try to hold on, but it slips through our fingers,

 Leaving us with memories that linger.


Life is a journey, with many twists and turns, 

A rollercoaster ride that often churns. 

We face ups and downs, joys and sorrows, 

But we keep moving on, towards tomorrow.


Time is a thief, stealing our youth, 

We grow old, seeking to know the truth. 

The clock ticks on, never stopping, 

As we try to make sense of life’s meaning.


Life is a gift, but it’s not forever, 

We must seize the day, and make it better. 

We can’t turn back the clock, or slow it down, 

But we can live in the moment, and wear life’s crown.


Time marches on, with or without us, 

We must keep moving forward, without fuss. 

Life and time, forever entwined, 

A journey we take, one day at a time.