

I\'ve been on edge lately

I feel used and abused by circumstances

I try to find a method to the madness

The reason for my suffering

Everyday I wait for a sign

A sign that lets me know that I was not made to live a life a torment

Or just born to die

But all I seem to find are more hardships

Heavier loads to bear

More weight on my shoulders

Sometimes I feel like screaming

Sometimes I feel like destroying in my path

Sometimes I feel like taking matters into my own hands 

So many thoughts spinning around my head

Like a sadistic merry go round 

Everything\'s happening so fast 

I try to catch up but I fall face first

And I fall hard

I fantasize about death and long for lifelessness

I can\'t handle myself of anyone else

I haven\'t seen the sun in such a long time

I\'m disturbed 

I\'m broken 

I don\'t know how much more if this I can take 

My days are lonely

My nights are cold

I\'m tired and I just want to let go

I\'m so young but I feel so old 

Forever searching for an escape

But all I seem to find are more broken pieces