
Fleeting Memories

In the twilight\'s gentle embrace, I find repose,

A weary soul seeking solace, as day\'s burdens disclose.

As the evening sun descends, painting the sky with gold,

My thoughts drift back to a time, a tale of friendships old.

Once upon a tender age, in innocence we\'d play,

Bound by laughter\'s woven thread, carefree in our own way.

Together we roamed enchanted lands, without a trace of strife,

With dreams that danced upon the stars, painting our canvas of life.

But time, the silent thief, swept us on separate shores,

Like scattered leaves on autumn\'s breeze, we drifted evermore.

Destiny\'s hand led us apart, to different paths we\'d roam,

Yet the echoes of our laughter stayed, buried deep within our bones.

Oh, the passage of years, relentless in its stride,

As we carved our names on destiny\'s wheel, side by side.

Yet in the midst of bustling days, when the world demands its toll,

I find myself immersed in memories, as nostalgia takes its hold.

When the day\'s weight is lifted, and evening paints the sky,

Those cherished faces from the past, so vividly they fly.

Like flickering candles in the dark, their presence ever near,

They illuminate the corridors of my heart, erasing every tear.

With closed eyes, I see their smiles, the mischief in their gaze,

Rekindling the bonds we shared in those long-forgotten days.

Oh, the stories we wove, like tapestries spun with glee,

Now cherished threads of yesteryear, forever binding you and me.

And as the moon ascends the heavens, casting a gentle glow,

I am cradled by nostalgia\'s arms, with a bittersweet undertow.

For though we grow up and wander, on separate paths we tread,

The tapestry of childhood\'s bond is never truly dead.

So, in this quiet hour, where time gently comes to rest,

I find solace in the memories, in the friendships I\'ve been blessed.

For though we may have journeyed far, like seeds upon the wind,

The roots of our connection endure, a treasure deep within.

In this symphony of reminiscence, where the heart finds its reprieve,

I sit amidst the embers, where friendships never leave.

And when the night draws close, and sleep takes me in its sway,

I\'ll embrace the dreams of childhood, where forever they will stay.