David Wakeling

Crying out Loud

When I see a baby crying, screaming her lungs out,
I see beyond the need beyond the want,
There is a lost soul who has boarded this ship of the damned.
And yet with a touch near the heart she is calmed.

When I hear a little girl screaming in the playground,
I see beyond the blood and the pain and the fear.
There is desperation inside, she is sobbing her heart out,
And yet with a smile and some comfort she is made safe.

When I see a woman lying in her own vomit,
I see beyond the alcohol and drugs and disappointment
There is an isolation within a crowd, and understanding of failure,
And yet all the paramedics in the world cannot bring her back to life.

And when I see an old woman coughing up blood because of lung cancer,
Yet she is still reaching for a cigarette and a drink,
I walk at night and stare into the face of the lonely moon.
Knowing that the saviour isn’t coming any time soon.