David Wakeling

Little Esther aged 3 brushes Nanna’s hair.

“Hello Nanna I’m 3 now and I can brush your hair if you like.”

Well my oh my what a treat, of course you can darling.
I’m sorry I’m in a hospital bed but you know I’m very sick,
But I would love you to brush my hair.
My oh my time sure has spun the wheel, I guess it’s my turn,
But we mustn’t  be gloomy in front of the children.
I remember years ago back in Glenhaven when I was girl,
We lived on a farm and I had a calf all of my own,
I would play for hours with that little calf. Blossom her name was.
She was a poddy Calf .She lost her Mother in a storm.
Oh my oh my we had fun running up hills and down dales,
Once it rained for days and she jumped around in the mud.
Got mud all over the washing on the line.
She was naughty sometimes  but I loved her to pieces.
I cried myself to sleep for a week when she passed away.
The vet said she died of  septicaemia. It was quite sad really.
Soon we will meet again in the green fields of the hereafter.
Oh my oh my Esther you are doing a good job.
I remember when I was a young girl and I had beautiful brown hair.
I was so proud of it. I grew it down to my waist.
Once I went out with Jimmy MacDonald.
Oh my oh my wasn’t he a bright star in the night sky.
He gave me my first kiss did young Jimmy. I’ll never forget him.
We were supposed to marry but that Elaine got her claws into him,
Oh my oh my she did have the figure and the golden hair.
I think they married for awhile but he got lung cancer.
It was a shame he passed so young. I think it was cigarette smoking.
Well my oh my hasn’t this been a trip down memory lane,
I think I would like to sleep now.
Thank you darling you did a wonderful job on my hair.
Oh my oh my the Sun is so beautiful through the orange clouds.
It’s like looking into the face of God ,
In many ways my journey has just begun.

“I think Nanna is asleep now. I think she liked me brushing her hair.”