
A time of remembrance

Now that Mercury is out of retrograde
And inner conflict has been faced
It is a time of remembering
Of who you truly are
It is a time of aligning
With what you are here to be
A time of really letting go
Of the things not serving
A time of really doing
What you love most
A time of surrendering
And feeling the abundance
The abundance of the sun shining
Softly on your skin
The abundance of the birds chirping
for us to hear them sing
The abundance of the trees growing
For us to look at and take in
The abundance of the grass overflowing
For us to smell and bath in
The abundance of fresh strawberries
For us to taste a little bit of heaven within
All our senses are treated now
So dont forget to open up
Enjoy this beautiful week
With all the world has to give
Even enjoy the pain
It means you are still living