
Just There


There are moments when I think it’s fine

When I feel calm

When I don’t think

When I can hardly believe pain exists


That pain is your reality

It’s what brings you to the truth

No matter how deep or shallow

The braises, bruises, scars, and burns


Reality is pain

It’s suffering

But its also the moments where you forget

Forget pain and joy


Moments when you’re just not thinking

When your in fact thinking so hard

That your not thinking at all

One subject, but no emotion.


That’s the feeling I get from you

It’s not butterflies

It’s not tears

It’s just there.


A blank page of paper

No discouraging lethal imagery

Yet no delightful scenery

Just there.


I glance at your smile

Wondering why it’s composed

Not caring about the joy it conveys

Simply the beauty it bestows


A world where I feel nothing

A world where I feel everything

When I’m with you

It’s just there.