Fay Slimm.






Oh unperceived day

I feel rather than see

your take-over glimmer

of star-fading notion

to invade darkness

when night hours passed

horizon hardens

and pallor creeps over

the dome of blackness.


Shadows begin 

as dawn stretches limbs

towards east then

far out to sea ray-skeins

of grey gilt appear 

as morning makes war

on receding dark

then breeze sings duets

with the trilling 

of flying skylarks at play.


Coastline takes

shape when pale disc of

sun swims in

with vaporous mist, stirs

silver stains that 

top mirror of neep-tide

and as I perceive

smouldering day caught 

within jewelled 

blaze I stop and bow low

to its seen glory.