Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Quran, the Satanic ideology

Voltaire said

‘I disapprove of what you say,

But I will defend to the death your right to say it.’


But Mr. Quran

But Mr. Islam

But Mr. Mohammed

But Mr. Hindu

But Mr. Sikh

But Mr. Racist


You sternly said:

I can’t question your

Totalitarian ideology


You tore my body apart.

For questioning your totalitarian thinking.


You dehumanized my ontology.

That wounded my wholesome


 As Kathleen Taylor said

Coercion, exhortation, therapy, and realization are your weapons of violence.


Again, Kathleen said

‘Everything you brainwash is coercion.\"

Everything you brainwashed is an exhortation.

Everything you brainwash is therapy.

Everything you brainwashed is a realization.



Mr. Quran

Mr. Islam

But Mr. Mohammed

Mr. Hindu

Mr. Sikh

But Mr. Racist,


We are your victims of primitive ideology across time and space.