Saud Ilyas

Embrace and Empathy: Love Unfettered

In the realm of love, where hearts intertwine,
Embrace others as they are, a truth so divine.
For change is a constant, a part of life\'s dance,
But forcing transformation is not love\'s true stance.

Sometimes we yearn to mold others, you see,
To shape them for comfort, to fit our decree.
Seeking control, both in self and in kin,
But this path leads to discord, a harmful din.

Such endeavors, though driven with care,
Fail to bring solace, cause bonds to wear.
Though intentions may not be rooted in ill,
The message received can inflict a chill.

Imagine the roles reversed, my friend,
If someone imposed, sought to amend.
Would you welcome their uninvited advice,
Or stand tall, demanding they think twice?

To recognize the impact of our well-intentioned pleas,
We must consider the emotions we seize.
In truth, it\'s not their life we seek to enhance,
But our own happiness, a selfish advance.

To align minds and actions, a noble pursuit,
But coercing conformity bears no fruitful fruit.
Let hearts roam freely, embrace diverse thought,
For it\'s through acceptance that love is sought.

Cherish the essence of each unique soul,
Let compassion and empathy take control.
In loving others, as they are meant to be,
We find a harmony that sets spirits free.