Dev Parth

I Love You

In the realm of love, where hearts collide,
A tender fire burns, impossible to hide.
It blooms like flowers in a garden of dreams,
A symphony of emotions, or so it seems.

In every heartbeat, a whispered refrain,
\"I love you,\" echoes like a sweet refrain.
A language spoken by souls intertwined,
A love so pure, it\'s endlessly defined.

Through stormy nights and sunny days,
In every moment, in countless ways,
My heart sings melodies, only for you,
With every breath, my love rings true.

In your eyes, I find a universe untold,
A love story written in letters of gold.
Your touch ignites a fire within my core,
Forever and always, I\'ll love you more.

In laughter and tears, in joy and despair,
You\'re the solace that\'s always there.
Together we\'ll walk on this journey we tread,
With love as our compass, by your side, I\'m led.

So here, in this verse, my feelings take flight,
Across the vast expanse of day and night.
With all that I am, with all that I do,
Know this, my love, I\'m devoted to you.

I love you, my darling, beyond measure or weight,
In this poem of love, my heart does elate.
May these words be a testament, forever true,
To the depths of my love, only for you.

I hope you enjoyed this poem! If you have any other requests, feel free to let me know.