Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

I am an Arab

I am an Arab

I am a Syrian.

I am an Iraqi.

I am an Iranian.

I am a Yemeni.

I am an Afghan.

I am a Pakistani.

I am a Bangladeshi.

I am from Kazakhstan.

I am from every Muslim family.

I am a Middle Eastern and North African.


I am a Muslim.

I follow Allah.

I follow Mohammed.

I married an underage girl.

I rape my own child.

I rape non-Islamic children and women.


I am an iceman.

I am a poet.

I am a scholar.

I am a theorist.

I am a feminist.

I am a Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

I am an Oxford University professor.

I am a NASA scientist.

I am an American lawmaker.

I am an UNO voice.

I am an Amnesty voice.

I am a human rights voice.

I love my Quran.

Women should follow.

What does the Quran say?

I love my Muslim wife.

Who practices Quran?

Whether she wears a veil or not.

I hate sexual minorities.

I want to stone them.

According to my Quran



I killed Charlie Hebdo.

I killed Samuel Paty.

I kill scholars like Salman Rushdi.

I killed many.

I fund efforts to eliminate progressive minds.


I have 10 wives.

I have 100 children.

Women are my factory.

Factory is also a religious fanatic.

I am a notoriously religious fanatic.

I was born to follow.

What my Quran says


I hate women wearing jeans.

Jeans are Haram

Education is haram.

The modern constitution is haram.

Equality is haram.

Human rights are haram.

Freedom is haram.

Peace is haram.

Love is haram.


Only Allah is good.

Mohammed is good.

His pedophile is inspiration

Jesus is haram.

Socrates is haram.

John Rawls is haram

Einstein is haram

Hannah Ardent is haram

Karl Marx is haram

Knowledge is haram

Michael Foucault is haram


Women are haram.

I hate female children attending school.

I hate women speaking loudly.

I love to marry my own blood.

I rape under-aged children.

I rape my own blood.

The Bible is haram.

White is haram.

Christianity is haram.

Jewish is haram.

Gypsies are haram.

Black is haram.

Untouchables are haram.

Pork is haram.

Every animal is haram.

Every bird is haram.

Science is haram.

Technology is haram.

School is haram.

Humans are haram.

Birth is haram.

Yazidis is haram.

Yazidis is dirty.

Life is haram.

Liberty is haram.

The West is haram.

White is haram.

Atheists are haram.

White men and women are dirty.

Jewish are dirty.

Black are dirty.

Gypsis are dirty

Romas are dirty

Untouchables are dirty

Women is dirty.

Dwarf is dirty.

Non-Green is dirty.

Mosque is holy

Church is dirty.

Blood is peaceful.

I kill every non-Islamic ideology.


I go to non-Arab countries for asylum.

I go to the West for asylum.

I apply for asylum in the name of war.

I harass white women on buses.

I harass white children publicly.

I urinate publicly on public and private properties.

I want to convert western countries into notorious Islamic countries.

I was successful with my asylum application.


I am a human trafficker now.

I am trafficking people from every white nation to another white nation.

I took 2500 dollars from a Christian from Russia to Belarus.

I charge 1400 dollars from my Muslim from Russia to Belarus.

I charge 2400 dollars from a Christian from Belarus to Poland.

I charge 1300 dollars from my Muslim from Belarus to Poland.

I charge 2400 dollars from a Christian from Poland to Germany.

I charge 1300 dollars from my Muslim from Poland to Germany.

I cheat Christian in the middle of the journey by increasing my money from 2400 to 3000.

I safely reach my Muslim friends at their targeted place in Germany.

I earn at least 10,000 dollars per night through my human trafficking business.

I am a druggist.

I supply drugs.


I am notoriously criminal.

We have allies across the globe.

I am a peaceful Muslim.

I commit every crime against humanity in my origin place and western lands.

If the police catch me

I will say Islamophobia.

I have allies from human rights bodies.

I take drugs.

I break rules and regulations.

I sexually assault under-aged children in West

I do every crime that westerners are afraid of.

But I am still an Arab.

We are more than 100 million refugees and asylum seekers in the west.

We are still waging a war against the West in the name of asylum.

We come by boat.

We come by flight.

We come by train.

We come by bus.

We come by foot.

We are foot soldiers of the Quran.

That declared war on humanity

If the police ignore me for 10 years,

I am a billionaire.

I am determining the lives of whites in their own land.

I came to the West to spread my ideology.

I go to UNO to spread my ideology.

I go to Amnesty to spread my ideology.

I go to the USA Congress to spread my ideology.

I go to Britain to spread my ideology.

I go to Europe to spread my ideology.

I spread my ideology successfully.

If anyone raises concerns about my ideology

I brand them as Islamophobia, anti-Muslim, anti-Islamic, and anti-human rights.

Finally, we brand them as right-wing ideologies.