Saud Ilyas

Journey of Bonds: Authenticity and Loyalty

In friendships, secrets are kept, trust sealed,
Walk away from society\'s comparisons,
Embrace uniqueness, society\'s shield,
A silent smile conquers envy\'s dispersion.

Success bears a toll; loyal hearts depart,
Amidst disloyalty, a loner\'s toll,
Weep in opulence, loyalty\'s exhaust,
Beware those who mock well-wishers\' role.

Seek genuine care, discard fake veneer,
New friend\'s counsel, a welcome gain,
Life\'s brevity and beliefs may differ,
Find those who value amidst souls unnamed.

Personality distinct, nature\'s decree,
Strengthen weaknesses, embrace your design,
Guard vulnerabilities, boundaries decree,
Caution in sharing, digital confines.

Surround with support, positivity shines,
Avoid those reveling in others\' pain,
Trust instincts are keen, protection aligns,
Preserve vulnerabilities; make them your gain.

Remember, dear friend, life\'s fleeting sphere,
Value your worth, seek genuine connection,
Navigate with open eyes and heart clear,
Embrace authenticity, and reflect your reflection.