Karen Greiner

My Family and I

My brother wanted to be a pilot 

One of our grandfathers deemed it so 

When he was young 

Then he grew up and achieved 

His goal 

We girls were to be stewardesses 

But my sister became a social worker 

Then married and had a child 

I became a telephone operator 

Now my brother is married to 

I\'m still single 

Still in love with my cats 

Our families dog and my mother\'s dog 


I work on my writings hoping to 

Sell them 

Particularly speaking it will take a  

While to do so

My parents were both school teachers 

Art (Mother) and Math (Father).

My sister and I have had pets 

On our own 

My brother and we girls shared our 

Family dog 

And he loves our pets too

With a love kindred to my 

Sister and I.


By Karen L. Greiner May 21, 2023