
Privet Hell ...

Defeated, licking my wounds in solitude

Whispers in my mind, demons licking my ear:

\"You FAILED, broke down, lost control, like we said you would\" ...

Falling too my knees, grasping the earth 

Are they right? Have I lost? 

Ash raining from blackened skies, burning my

bare skin raw

I scream out a mute cry of agony, silenced by the truth in their words ...

I have lost, but not one battle 

One I couldn\'t win, three that were lost to me ...

All four ... ripping me to shreds, silently killing me ... 

I collapse under the weight, feeling the cold mud on my face

It would be so easy to just give in

Give in to the whispers calling my surrender ...

Just let go, let the searing pain wash away like my tears watering the gray mud under my severed body ... 

Turn back into the cold, ruthless Ice Queen 

Feeling nothing, caring for no one

No one at all ...

It would be so easy, so very easy 

to let them be right, to give up my soul ...

Be rid of the sorrow, the pain, the losses 

pinning me to this ash covered ground ...

But I will not! 

I will rest here in my private hell, letting them burn me to ash

So that I once again can rise, scarred from life but still alive ...