
3 Days Sober

3 days sober
None the wiser
Am I even an alcoholic? 
Why do they call it sober?
When I\'m in a natural state
Did my natural state become inebriated?
Where\'s that line? And when did I cross it?
Not sure I did. 
The fucking hypocrisy is astounding
Everyone\'s addicted..
Absolutely Everybody
Is addicted..
To their feelings
And their screens
And their screams
That they internalise
And replace with memes.
3 days sober
None the wiser
Numb to the core
Eyes sore
Thumbs red raw
Roaring mind is racing
A litre of coca cola
Fueled temptation
The easy way out of this situation
Is to fuck their damnation
Slide down into 
marshmallow experiment elation
For thy shall not delay gratification
Keep your tales of woes and so and so\'s
Pityful pity fuck story of degradation
So what if this all did come from a place of idolisation... 
Ahh fuck, I just admitted to being a cliche in 
The most unoriginal story of apparant self exploration 
In my mind begins the mutation 
The narcissist caught out by his own sentence structuring 
My thoughts are bleeding
Into a self important paradox opening a multitude of different universes 
Close all the doors
Shut all the portals
This kind of mental escalation 
Is why they pour n I drink 
Then I\'m poor and they wink
Not today, no not today I don\'t think
It\'s all just future piss
When you boil it down
To the weeds
It\'s not who I am
It\'s who it wants me to think I want to be
Well I wanna be free for at least a week
Day four, speak to me.