
Fragment from Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin



These Poems fortunately preserved were

In my archive; here now they are:

Where to, where to did you retired,

My golden days of youthful spring?

What does the coming day bring to me?

My gaze does catch it unavailing,

He lurks in abyssal darkness.

No need; the law of fate is right.

Will I fall, pierced by the deadly arrow,

Or it will fly by, passing me,

All goodness: wakefulness and sleep

A certain hour comes necessarily;

Blessed is the day of solicitude

Blessed is the advent  of darkness!


In morrow  a ray of daylight will shine up

And the bright day will joyfully  play;

And I, maybe I in the tomb deep,

I will descend into the mysterious curtain.

And the memory of the young poet

The slow boundless Leta will hide…

The world will forget me off, but you…

Or do you come, the maiden of all loveliness

Shed a miser tear over my early headstone

And think: he loved so endless me,

He dedicated to singular me

The dawn of  sad stormy living.

My heart-to-heart friend, desired friend,

Come to me,come, I’m your husband!