
Let me go

It was perfect when we first met,

I was so young,

So in love..

But how soon you forget,

Where we started,

So stupid..

Can I really blame myself,

For this lesson?

I take it on the chin..

Realising how scared I am..

I\'m afraid of not knowing..

But wanting to be free of this obsession..

I don\'t care too much

For trying again..

I try to reach out..

But your one step ahead..

Now I have no friends..

You have already made your impressions

Now I feel

You are one big lesson..

Trying to leave,

Without getting a bruise,

Trying to leave..

But your grip is too tight..

I lay awake at night..


About how to take my life

To a whole new level..

Maybe that\'s death..

You fooled everyone but me

I just need you to let me go

Let me leave

Let me go

In a black bag

But you will never have my soul