I’m a fighter, a survivor
And, I like my odds,
I can never beat Life
But will run it to the end.
‘Tis a one- way street
No bets on return,
The end is the river
And the ashes in urn
But, why think of the end
It’s the same for all,
There’s a life to live, and
Off the cliff we all fall
Till then, we must climb
Slippages on the way,
From Sunrise to Sunset
Is a nice long day,
Night was made for sleep
For stars to shine and us to dream
So, as the day is all we have one at a time
Better Champagnes with Strawberries and Cream
Leave the wails and sighs alone
And, heart- rending cries aside,
Life’s the journey the living make
Let’s make the most of the pre-destined ride.