Peter Gates

On Memorial Day

Fifty-three years ago, in an eastern land I know, there was a war.

I was there, so I remember those I know, and those in memory store.

Forgotten? No, no, Many lie in places low, unremembered in lore

Lying under crosses row on row, David’s stars, crescent moons or more.


In places I know, places where flowers grow, in memories I well know,

They’ll lie below, and with time passing now, we comrades will join them so

Those living will now, if the fates allow, lie beside those they knew and know,

Soon there, you know, will not be comrades, no, none left to join them below.


There’s a place I know, names engraved just so, in columns and row on row

In granite, carved blow by blow, for those who I know, who died there in throe.

To those still living now, be aware that they know, each name among the thou

Is one and alone though in the crowd, you know. All die alone then and now.


A special day comes now, those with memories in tow, will celebrate and know

Those who gave their lives so, deserve a deep bow, and because of them we do.

Remember those gone now. Those living who know also rate a heart-felt bow,

Celebrate those gone now and those who shall follow. Celebrate them now.