Hazel Reese

Here In America

Here in America

We are a country that is free

Free as the bird

That is why are symbol is the bald eagle 

Because just like freedom, the bald eagle is rare

Here in America we have a system to support our citizens

A system we call taxes

On every thing you buy you will pay a little more to help fund things like the military 



I think?



Health Care?

No No 

You have to pay for that yourself

Well lets just say military

Because to us there\'s nothing more important than the gun

Speaking of guns we have a very impressive track record with school shooting

This year we have only had 17 and only 88 dead

We seem to find entertainment in the screaming of children

There\'s something about their screams 

Maybe it\'s the way they are like the screams of the Indians when we took their land

Or maybe the slaves that we beat and bruised until their skin tears through

Or maybe just the sound of their innocence fading away

 No more need to go out and play

Because the world that we live in is gray

 Of course all of our teachers make an excellent salary of $15.83

Who would want more for such an easy job?

The only struggles of a teacher is that they have to work after hours

No pay of course

Buy their own school supplies

And deal with the fear of their lives being taken by one of the very people they are trying to teach

We want our citizens to believe that teachers are not overworked and underpaid

So we hide the truth like a masquerade

Hide the fact that we treat them like a maid whose only job is to provide aid

Here in America

We welcome all

Well unless your poor, muslim, a person of color, gay, transgender

Well, it may be easier just to say who we do welcome




We seem to think that anyone else will be homeless drug dealers

And don’t you dare be born a woman unless you are prepared to have your body be public property

And you better learn to do it properly 

Especially if you live in poverty

And don’t forget to dress modestly

Cause in all honesty women are just toys for men

And so are guns

And so are teachers

And so is America