
Undefined Power.

Dark clouds made a haze
For me just to gaze
At the darkness that I am never told,
But of the storm that are yet to get hold.

No one knows my power;
Cause they know me as weak:
For the untold stories that needs to get crushed
So just to believe the freak.

Just so you got a clear road,
That doesn’t mean I am a load;
For always giving a hint of power
To think of me as some kind of a lower.

The clouds made a grudge against the beast;
Just to take the lives that mattered in the feast,
To halt the harmonical shift
That may ruin the gift.

You may think you are the God;
For making slaves all day long
That fed your pleasure in fear of pain.
But did you ever think of the beasts that are rising,
From the ashes you thought as faint?

~ Vairabhiana