
Mental Health Crisis

It\'s Mental Health Awareness Month
Over the pond in the USA
No such month exists here in the UK
They just want your problems to go away
Get back to being a good worker bee
More like a robotoid drone for society
To all the good workers out there
Do you really want the manager\'s chair?
For them to actually care about staff
I\'d say that was more than rare
Mental Health issues can come from mistreatment
I feel for the ones who can\'t vent
Have a hard time in the workplace
Come home to even worse
And want to smash someone\'s face
Where is the justice in this universe?
Life is a precious gift
How many think it\'s a curse?
Too much terror can lead to trauma
Now you\'re on antipsychotics, zombified and talking much calmer
Experiences mould us
Unfortunately there is no badge of honour