David Wakeling

I have seen, I have heard and I believe.

I have seen the Sun rise over the Pacific ocean,
I have seen the Moon sailing over the eucalyptus trees,
I once saw a grandfather kiss his little granddaughter on the forehead.
The light reflected in a quiet lake and I saw children laughing.
I saw the sick healed and the blind see.

I have heard the voices of angels in the night sky,
I have heard music that came from a violin,
I once heard a good father say he loved his son,
The sound echoed in the valley and I heard children singing.
I heard the up-lifting choir voices coming from the church.

I believe that much of this life doesn’t matter.
I believe that cold hard logic is a bird with wooden wings.
I once believed that there were answers.
My beliefs float down stream like autumn leaves,
I believe that gentleness survives longer than honesty.