
The fine aurora🌅

It is my seventh heaven
That brightens my eyes 
Giving color to all that surrounds me 
It is it’s constant heart of grace that has me rooted wanting to wake each morn to see that magic
forsaking darkest corners where I hide
And put the toils of life aside

The darkness around me like shadows  
Shadows that deeply sunk me into their mysterious mists 
I run to it, seeking its warmth since I feeling it when  cold 
I run to it, because it is my only hope 
And pleasure likewise sinks in my veins tending to all my toil

There was no navigating my way out of my worries
Without it giving a better touch 
Piercing the darkness felt 
There was love  in the light showered 
always holding it down
When it came down to it 
Keeping  its 10 toes down for me 
Wrestle against the dark for me 
Giving me a reason to love it each day

I watched the aurora have it’s way
Restoring peace when plagued by the cruel mind 
I loved it in return  
Then I watched the sun set in the evening 
I watched it disappear from view
But then saw it give  its power to the moon 
I watched it and it didn’t give up on me 

It is out  of pure habit that I run to it 
Somber mood declining, giving me strength to act Day by day changing my stance 
Whenever it spreads it’s glory in the air  
Saving me from perils of danger,
saving me from the darkness of the night