
Memorial Day – 2023... origin of holiday

Strong and brave men and women
gave their level best

crème de la crème strongest and bravest
leaving grieving significant others

with emotional agony within treasured chest

o\'er the redoubt the the enemy did crest
where lovely bones of forebears for everest


dead bodies strewn across killing fields

hostility among warring factions finessed

forsook their lives eternal peace they rest
honored and revered succumbed mortal
electric kool-aid acid test
though I question if sacrificed life

worth a spit of land to wrest.

Now pardon ma faux pas
from dis po\' pa try\'n 2b sleek
line six starting here necessitated minor tweak

a reasonable rhyme rhyme,

where sense and sensibility weak


Officially called Decoration Day

proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan

first observed on 30 May 1868

Waterloo N.Y. officially declared the birthplace

by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966.


though seven and nine tenths score years

since (minor emendation regarding time frame
since original date I crafted poem)
Appomattox, a psychological balm

helped stitch frayed nation to calm

served as silent psalm

since bombardment at Fort Sumter qualm.


National holiday most adept

at uniting Civil War fallen soldiers
when fiercely armed as brother in arms crept

against opposing forces, which took
by surprise “enemies” or found inept

ill prepared troops with surprise mortal
blow which ambushed attackers leapt

mowing down valiant soldiers, thus
becoming slain grooms who eternally slept

sorrowful lamentable hymns from
widowed brides tears wept.


Cease fire that day

terminating internecine flay

o’er mounds of earth whence
bones o boys donned blue or gray

a day of remembrance for those
who died in our nation\'s service lay

celebrated this last Monday every May

one must know tis not about division

boot about reconciliation
and sacrifice brave heroes did pay

the price of their lives for granted
freedoms enjoyed as american lee-way.


Forsooth, now we cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies.