
Goodbye, My Beloved

He was kneeling all alone in the graveyard


Keeping vigil at her final resting place


Paying his last respects to his beloved one now gone


His tears were falling freely on her headstone


His voice rising to the heavens as he cried aloud in anguish




Why was she the one to go?


Memories of the love they once shared came rushing in upon his mind


Those tender kisses and sweet caresses


All their shared hopes and fragile dreams


He could still see her golden hair shining in the sunlight


Hear her glorious laughter bubbling out with delight


Gaze into her vibrant eyes that showed such love for him


Thunder crashed suddenly above him


Shattering all his sweet reveries


Brought him back to the days of blackness


Demanded he remember only the pain and loss


Rain came pouring down from the heavens


As if to drive him from her side


Forcing the bond that once was, now to break


The man fell prostrate to the earth


Clung tightly to the headstone


Vowing to weather the storm with her


Tried to shield her from the pelting raindrops


Regrets burst in upon him like a flood


Washing away the golden memories of before


In his mind’s eye now he saw her


A fragile frame laid upon a bed of suffering


Her dancing eyes now dull and vacant


Those golden strands turned frail and gray


Moans of pain replacing laughter that once had been


Gone were the tender kisses and sweet caresses


Replaced now with confused looks and repeated questions


Who was he?


Had they ever met before?


He pleaded with love for her to remember


Begged her to recall


Told her over and over the story of their love


Sat by her side for hours on end


Holding her hand in his as long as he could


But death was determined to break them apart


It would not hear of a love enduring forever


With cruel hands, it robbed his beloved of her health


Turned her memories into madness


Blinded her to the sight of him


The one she had always called her husband


And he had to sit there silently


Hold his tongue and allow death to have its way


His oft shed tears were to no avail


Begging for mercy fell on deaf ears


Death was ready to snatch her away


Eager to have her as its prey


And on a beautiful autumn morn


She slipped away from him without a word


Her very last breath he never e’en heard


When his eyes once heavy with slumber finally opened


He saw what death had done


Stolen his beloved wife away


Leaving him the heavy price of unbearable grief to pay


Now here he was in the graveyard


All alone facing a life without her by his side


If he could have saved her from the grave she now was in


How he would have relentlessly tried


The rain that once fell round him now ceased


Thunder no more sounded in the skies


A glimmer of sunlight streamed out from behind the dark clouds


Resting briefly on her headstone


With trembling fingers, he traced the graven words


Brushed away a few minute specks of dirt


And pressed his lips to the cold headstone


The only kiss he could give her now


He straightened the beautiful flowers laying upon the grave


Slowly rose from kneeling on the cold wet ground


Reached for his worn wooden cane lying close beside


And painfully rising with unsteadiness to his feet


He dared to take one last look behind


And heavily, so heavily he sighed


Whispered with trembling lips and tears


Goodbye, my beloved