
Pentecost Promise

Tune: Down Ampney

(\'Come down, O love divine\')

John 14 v.26 & 27; John 16 v.13-15


The Comforter shall come

And make our heart His home

Sent from the Father in Jesus\' name, promised

He shall teach us all things

Each thing from God He brings

Shall reside in us, humankind He has kissed


And He shall bring to our

Remembrance each hour

Whatsoever Jesus has said to us sure

Peace He did leave, His peace

A fount that shall not cease

Not as worldly peace but lasting evermore


Let not heart be troubled

He has chosen us, called

These words to assure us by Jesus spoken

For the Comforter, He

Helper, Paraclete be

He will guide us into all truth, right ways then


He shall not speak of self

But of the Father\'s wealth

Whatsoever He shall hear, shall to us speak

Shall show us things to come

Through God\'s treasures shall roam

And glorify Jesus, meet with lowly, meek


Of Christ He shall receive

Show to us, no deceive

All things that the Father has are Jesus\'s

So Christ says the Spirit

Shall take Christ\'s things, each whit

And shall show them unto us, help us gracious