Bame Bame


Baby girl, you’re busy doubting your every move

Yet every step you take, gets recorded on a Richter scale

There is more to you than meets the eye

Get yourself out there, there’s no need to hide

You have a powerful voice, let it out, don’t be shy

Go ahead and change the world, then leave your mark

The day starts at midnight, why are you afraid of the dark?

You know pretty damn well that day light is coming

And when that alarm goes off; baby girl, hit the ground running

Strong and elegant queen, you’re so stunning

I celebrate women every day because of my mother

I\'ve watched her rise from every fall

When her kids cried, she answered every call

She deserves to be celebrated, should we fill up the hall?

Let’s pick a date, does the 8th of March sound okay?

It’s amazing how even during her dark season, she gains

With strong emotions always running through her veins

She becomes stronger and never backs down from a fight

Because even in darkness, she sees the light