
The cheating and the damage done


A million things I need to say

But you ran away that day

Blocking the one you said you loved the most

Unable to face what you have done

 Your demons run free while mine need contained

To protect you from your obvious mistake

      Anger comes out of me 

You aren\'t all mine

You can\'t forgive, yet you beg for it from others

But those you hurt don\'t deserve that conversation

In your mind

cheating deserves a second chance

But you forgive nothing

You forget the part that caused my pain

In one short year, I have heard enough lies 

And now I know

You will never change

You fucking liar

Run and hide 


 your days of being a cheater and liar are growing short

No woman of value will ever have you again 

Brush your teeth and start to pray

You lost a good one cause your pride and ego got in the way

The one you hurt

The one you shame


Run and block to hide your pain

But not this time

You enjoy

Leaving those you damage in the dark

Cause you can\'t face who you are and what you have done 

 Can\'t be a grown man and accept the things you do

 call us crazy

But trust and believe

You will never be happy

Always seeking it

In the wrong ones

 everything you touch

Turns to shit 

Except me