Santajah Douglass

Dear Me

Dear past that I\'m leaving behind you don\'t define me your just a life lesson

Dear future I\'m coming soon Nothing will stop me from getting to you 

Dear present are you happy? Are you well? Are you in love? In your case I hope your not picking up peanut shells


some people come and some go and the purpose of the past not everything or everyone was meant to last

so smart and great and a handsome husband that is surely worth the wait in your future a hard working woman and amazing soulmate

right now your you and no matter how confusing our present is we always make it through because I\'m the best of you 


Dear past I\'m leaving behind you don\'t define me your just a life lesson and for better or worse I\'m ready to face it

Dear future I\'m coming soon nothing will stop me from getting to you no mountain no road I\'m yours and it true 

Dear Present are you happy? are you well ? are you in love? just be who you are you light up the dark and your an angel that deserve the best even if we did or do face scars I\'m with you through it all