Rohan Regi

Defiance in the Dust

The ones once reigned in glory,
Now lie in gutters, defiant and resolute.
The necks once graced with glory\'s weight,
Are choked by injustice\'s grip.
This dirt took into itself their weary toil,
And gold dust of their glory\'s fading glow.

Yet now as they rise for justice,
The leeches that infest these streets
Seek only their lifeblood.

The Sengol now does stay in their grip;
While seeking to raze what once gleamed highest,
And stamp out the hopes,
Of those who built glory\'s citadel.

The imposers struggle to see
Those they trample underfoot,
With roots deep within this soil
The dust that lined their triumphant paths
Bolsters them for the fight ahead.