Reflections Corporate Training Hub

Rendezvousing River


From the mountainside, streams descend,

Mysterious origins, like magic, they extend.

A spot of wonder, a triangle\'s grace,

Where the river flows, adding intrigue to this place.


Colossal rocks rise amidst the flow,

Dividing the river, a mesmerizing show.

Transcending infinity, their presence profound,

Unifying waters, in eternal harmony they\'re bound.


Compelled by the river\'s ceaseless sway,

We disembark, immersed in vibrant display.

I reach out, feeling water\'s chilling embrace,

Beneath the surface, pebbles hold secrets, an unseen space.


Shallowness reveals treasures, waiting to be found,

Yet, my imagination delves deeper, unbound.

Unveiling mysteries that lie beneath,

A realm of enchantment, where dreams bequeath.


In that moment, a longing stirs deep inside,

To stay, leave behind, let the world subside.

Nature\'s symphony enfolds, whispers in the air,

Acknowledging the love that blossoms, rare.


\"You have fallen for me, reluctant to part,\"

The water murmurs, stirring emotions in my heart.

Bound by a connection, profound and true,

In nature\'s embrace, finding solace, anew.