
Knowing We Know

Tune: Solothurn

(\'Now let us from this table rise\')

1 John 5 v.14, 15, 18-20


This is the confidence that we

Have in Christ, if we do ask, see

Anything that is according

To His will, He hears us, each thing


And if we know that He us hears

Whatsoever we ask, no fears

We know we have the petitions

That we desired of Him, each one


We know that whosoever is

Born of God sins not, true is this

Sins not habitually, but when

We sin, we have Advocate then


They that are of God begotten

They keep themselves from sin, and then

The wicked one touches them not

They fall not to his sinful lot


And we know we are of God, us

And the whole world in wickedness

And we know that Jesus, God\'s Son

Has come, revealed unto each one


He gives us an understanding

That we may know Him in each thing

He that is true, we in Him be

And in God, [this is] life eternally