
Here I Love You And...

We are far far away from each other my love

And since this vast stretched sea is between our two hearts

That we both can never aspire to cross.

Days, of all kinds, are monotonous and listless to me,

Here I love you and there far far away from my sight you are yearning

And the nostalgic memory of you emerges in the night around me.


The fall of autumn and the spring flowers came and went away a long 

Time ago but the memories of you still hovers in my dreams,

Here I love you and there far far away from my sight you are yearning

For a gaze of my face. We are not together but this moonlit night,

The glow of the moon that shines on the still surface of water.


The gust of winds and the stars high above from our reach bring our

Two hearts close together. My kisses cross this vast ocean between us 

Towards no arrival and I see myself in your sight as a forgotten dream.

I love you from all my heart but the distance

And this vast ocean between us hides you from my gaze,

The thought of which springs in my soul, saddens my face.


I wake up only to find my soul drenched in this cold winter;

But not with sweat or water but with distress and despair,

Here I love you and there far far away from my sight you are yearning

My soul calls your name but only in vain as there are no winds

Blowing at my place to sway away and wind my love towards

The path of yours on its light wings,


And if these winds to swirl and blow, my voice seems to you 

As a song from the far away shore,

Brought at your place by these aimless winds.

Here I love you and there far far away from my sight you are yearning

My kisses cross this vast ocean between us 

Towards no arrival and I see myself in your sight as a forgotten dream.