Mwalimu Wuod Mwalimu

Ember To Beacon

In the forge of academia,

A metamorphosis of self,

From an ember of naivety,

To a beacon of erudition.


I treaded unfamiliar paths,

In the labyrinth of knowledge,

But found solace in the companionship,

Of kindred spirits, intellectuals.


Lonely echoes of solitude,

Were eclipsed by camaraderie,

As time wove its tapestry,

Four years of shared growth.


No longer a solitary figure,

I found kinship in these hallowed halls,

With each passing day,

New friendships blossomed.


Gratitude effervesces from my soul,

Like a bubbling spring of appreciation,

For the knowledge weavers,who illuminated my path,

Replacing shadows with radiant wisdom.


Linguistics, the symphony of language,

Your teachings resonated within me,

Creating harmony in the web of chaos,

Bravo, guardians of lexicons.


Literature, the realm of imagination,

You nurtured my creativity,

Unveiling worlds within words,

Bravo, custodians of narratives.


I stand here now, shaped and transformed,

A testament to the power of education,

With gratitude in my heart,

And a smile upon my lips.


The Alma mater, my crucible,

Where I forged bonds and memories,

Grateful, I embrace the achievements,

Etched upon my soul\'s parchment.


For in this journey of self-discovery,

I have found gratitude, happiness, and achievement,

Symbols of a life well-lived,

In the embrace of academia\'s embrace.