Chris Duffy

Tekken to thee.

Takken to thee.

Av tekken to thee, in a way I canna describe.
It should be very simple but it’s not.
Sure I’ve had other girls, some might say a lot, burrits different ya see.
I can’t help it, can’t fight it.
It seems the only right thing, in my life.
It’s clear and everyone can see,
That I’ve tekken to thee.

When I met thee, I knew they’d broken the mould.
Unique that’s what you are.
My first prize at the summer fair, unrivaled.
When I first set mi eyes on thee, I was sold.

And all your friends they tawd thee.
They‘d warn you about me.
Mi past life with the ladies on mi arm.
They said it would be best to let me be.
“A man wiyout integrity ner charm.

And now that I’m the one who gets to sleep beside thee every night.
In love wi life and wi each other and it’s warm and cozy by the firelight in’t Winter’s cold.

And around our feet we’ve childer. Noisy and impatient to be loved.
So we make a bit o’ room fer um on’t sofa.
And’t kids are just like me
An opinion on which we all agree.
We’ve tekken to thee.!