cyriac maliakkal


I was high extreme in my vivacious
struggle for take my destiny.
I had not been wistful through all my dullness.
My art was not prepossessing and
it had no verbiage.
I was nerved and unnerved .
I veered my thoughts were unveiled
that was became unearthed.
I would like to go into my passionate
It vouched to the colour and broken through
tastes of life.
I was bizarre from my feelings,adroit
were barren.
Past was shed from memories.
Words were wiped out from pages.
Mornings were borne with coalescence 
Of darkness
It had monopolies on my destiny.
Prejudiced for the extrobleness  of
my steps.
I was delighted but suddenly it was on morass.
My latent luck was on a unwritten page.
I pungent a status quo of my 
The existence of  my future