
Eyes Prey On My Soul

My worst fear becomes reality:
my every action scrutinised as
if am auditioning for a role.
Eyes prey on my soul, chipping
a small part away every time
they steal a glance.
Eyes prey on my soul, making
me feel like whatever i do is
not good enough, and never
will be.
Eyes prey on my soul, putting
my life up for discussion as
if am some failed science project.
I feel the pressure on me, not
sure if I can hold out any
longer, if I can swim ashore.
Am feeling helpless as the
hold their gaze has on
me grows stronger.
I feel myself getting lost,
every step of the way not
sure how or if it\'s possible
to bring myself back.
Eyes prey on my soul,
is it possible that am too
far gone? Or am I still
here waiting to be found?