

Have we reached technology\'s dream

when you can\'t tell what\'s a machine

and what is a human being?


Using our laziness it has us seduced

like a drug instant pleasure produced

made us vassals our liberty reduced


From birth to the grave

to it we have become a slave

A cell phone addiction now we crave


It has made it possible to feed an overpopulation

has staid disease\'s decimation

weakening and fattening a whole generation


What happened to humanity?

Can\'t we see that technology

has severed the ties of family?


Facebook friends our time does steal

no sense of what or who is real

no tender touch do we feel


Our lives seem so complex

Cut short, conversations by text

Any social intercourse now vexed


Schedules, our time now controlled

to a keyboard our soul is sold

obsolete and discarded anything old


Our relationships with machines

myopic don\'t we know what this means?

We live only in internal televised dreams


Today there is no way to know

How far AI will go

or how humanity might grow


Without feelings or emotion

can we count on its devotion

as its master would we receive a demotion


They determine whether we live or die

They say that machines don\'t lie

But then they once said man can\'t fly


Are we not in our own form

nothing more than born

a machine who\'s blood is warm