Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Insane mind

Sharma, Raju, Gupta, Reddy, Kamma, Kapu, and Velama

They were born, raised, educated, and grew together with purity and impurity ideologies.

They have migrated together to an alien land now.


Sita, Lakshmi, Parvathi, Saraswathi, and Maha Kali

They were born, raised, educated, and grew together with purity and impurity ideologies.

They have migrated together to an alien land now.


They attended Western schools.

They graduated in human rights.

They are theoretical pundits in human rights now.


They were employed at Oxford, Cambridge, Colombia, the London School of Economics, the United Nations, NASA, etc.


They are scholars and theorists in human rights now.

Even though they strongly believe in and practice human hierarchies

They were preaching human rights now.


They do yoga together, meditate together, and practice spirituality together.

They married their caste partners without social chaos.

They exchanged huge dowries, wealth, gold, diamonds, land, capital, etc.

But they are still human rights icons now.

Peacemakers now.


They were agents of age-old ideologies now.

They are carriers of purity and impurities.

They are vegetarians.

They are followers of ISCON, Pundit Ravi Shankar’s Art of Living, etc. now.

But they are still human rights icons now.

Peacemakers now.


Oxford, Cambridge, Colombia, the London School of Economics, the United Nations, NASA, etc.

I have now welcomed their way of life.


And branded them as the most peaceful and nonviolent knowledge heads now.

Awarded the highest honors and rewards for their way of life.

Respected them and made them rulers of an alien land now.

All are happy, all are living together, and all are sharing purity and impurities.


John Rawls and Isaiah Berlin were eliminated from the earth.

Truth and justice, liberty, and freedom were dismembered into pieces.

They became the prey of theorists and scholars now on the global stage.

Love and peace became another mask for yoga theorists.


Pundit Ravi Shankar, ISCON, yoga, meditation, spirituality, dowry, and human hierarchies are dominating the global stage now.

Loving ISCON, or the Art of Living, is modern knowledge now.

Pregnant women must do yoga now.


Dowry, Sati, Manusmriti, Vernashrama, and Adharma were accepted in their alien land.

That eliminated black, untouchable, Jewish, Gypsy, and Roma historically.


East or West, human hierarchy is the best;

Yoga is the best;

Dourness is the best;

Sati is the best;

Purity is the best;

Caste is the best;

Untouchability is the best;

Racism is the best;

Antisemitism is the best.


Western theories and practices accept Eastern theories and practices.