Sassy Lou

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Eyes so blue they have you falling fast -

Smile that flutters the butterflies in your belly 

Yet,a tongue that slithers like a snake 

Heart,love & soul; It\'s all up for the taking -

Grabbing tightly & not easing up 

Little did you know, he was just faking 

Gave him all of you; Mind,soul & body 

No other had you always yearning & wanting more 

Lies,betrayal & deceit -

Wouldn\'t & couldn\'t ever legitimately love you -

Just a hell of an act & nothing more 

Laughs,good times & couldn\'t ask for a better man -

In a blink of a eye it all changes 

The devil,reincarnated,he becomes 

My love,my heart,my person-

Gone in seconds flat!!

Sadness,pain,hurt & broken pieces to come 

All the unbearable damage that cannot be undone 

Words of atonement came sliding out of your trap -

Taking you back time & again 

No longer trusting the dialog that escapes from your lips 

Broken & empty unlike ever before 

A black hole now is in place where my heart used to be 

Dr.Jekyll & Mr.Hyde no longer has a hold on me