L. B. Mek

of Inclusivity


We do not, have to

Support or encourage

Every and each person’s 

Way of life


Our very nature of innate

Diverse Individuality


It is impossible for all of us

To be of one mindset, or

View reality from a shared

Singular, perspective 


What we must, accept

Is that fundamentally, and


Not a single one of us, can deny

Another individual’s basic, right

To choose how they live their lives

If it does not cause:

Tangible, verifiable, actual 

Harm to others


It is not a betrayal of our chosen 

Ethos, belief, mantra, heritage

If, we

Simply, choose

To agree, that we disagree

On some

Points or topics of our anchoring

Core metaphysics 


If we but acknowledge

Surviving, life

Is hard enough for most of us

Without, becoming obstacles 

To each other


We do not, have to


Everyone and anyone 

We simply need to realise 

We are, all


That oneness of species, demands


It will be us, against 

Everything and anything, else

That may threaten

Our very existence 


In this one, underlying 


Is that answer, to why

We must, promote

Tolerance of our differences, and


Inclusivity, at every and any

Level of our society


If anyone witnesses a defenceless 


Being attacked by a rabid animal

Would it be natural, to first verify


That individual’s:

Race or political affiliation

Pronoun or sexual preference, or 

Perspective on faith 



Deciding to offer aid?

How absurd, right?


Well aren’t we all, to a certain extent 

Defenceless, against life’s incessant strife

In our everyday 

Why then, would we allow this very same

Aesthetic labels, to segregate us further

Making it that much harder to survive life


Together we are stronger

Our different shades, allowing 

Us to paint

A much more meaningfully diverse 

Transcendently humane, legacy


There is room enough, for all of us!



© L. B. Mek

June 2023