Bobby O



Curtis Mayfield refined
and defined  south side soul 
Lasting Impressions, 
Elegantly Bold
1n 1969, Protest and war served us volatile caress,  
Each day sentenced to painfully witness 
racial tensions untamed , burning holes born of  injustice inflamed ,
Icicle breezes targeting America’s shivering heart  Ripping apart societies fabric, diluting the magic of liberty, rarely did we hear anyone sing My Country Tis of Thee, oppression widespread didn’t let freedom ring. 

Then Curtis wrote these lyrics 
well timed like no other 
His mellifluous voice sang his hit
Choice of Color
Addressing that sensitive issue with grace , offering hope on the subject of race, “How long have you hated your white teacher? Who told you you loved your Black preacher?”it opened my eyes to lies disguised as the truth, sharing good will with confident propriety , reach and teach one, a lesson of piety. Imagining now how Curtis might close, we simply recite Lyrics he chose 
 “with just a little bit more education and love  for our nation, we’ll have a better society”
Bobby O