Kathryn Amaka

Men do cry too.

Men do cry too,
They have feelings just like me and you.
Society has taught them to suppress and be strong,
but that only adds to the stress.

They pour their hearts out, in private alone, afraid to show weakness, to their loved ones at home.
But tears are not weakness, they show that they care,
That they\'re human like everyone else out there.

A job lost, a heart broken,
the tears fall, their words unspoken.
We should not shame or judge,
for emotions don\'t make men less of a grudge.

Let\'s break down these gender norms,
Let\'s rid ourselves of these limiting forms,
Men can cry and still be strong,
for their tears, like ours, are valid.

So let\'s offer support and care,
to let them know it\'s okay to share.
Men do cry too, let\'s normalize it,
For in vulnerability, strength can abide.