cyriac maliakkal


A funeral tribute had given to

 the sprits of their loved one 
and their beloved one.

I can\'t say it was loved one .

Lovers prayed for him.
It was not a loved prayer.
They bathed in the river by 
but it was not good bath 
When it sign to love 
A floral tribute had gone into
the prayer room.
They had made verbose of
sympathy from their hearts.
As if it as a tribute.

It was the dark time when
my neighbour \"chami\"
was suicided.
Body had been fired with acid.
He drunk acid to lost his life.
An explosion was held,
a pyrotechnique passed through
his heart.
He was happy when i saw his
demised body.
He submerged to the earth
from the place of hate and
His son \"Ganga\" was happy
When his father\'s body wrapped 
with a shroud.
He embraced the pained hearts
as it welcome in a wedding ceremony.
I felt he was not tastes the feeling
of love.
He was a good pale man as well as 
his pal .
The rituals were held there without
love .
All of them were on quaral for
sharing wealth 
Meanwhile the rituals was there
Poured clocks blood into his 
There was a ceremony and shackles
Of dinner at night 
No one had gone with that loved 