Patricia Garcia Howard Bramble


Should I Speak

Should I remain forever Silent

Should I Lie

Should I be Truthful

Should I Testify

Questions and Unresolved Answers

Battles within my head and soul

I want to gain control as this world starts to unfold 

Stories and information of old

Everything I was told and sold was fiction and lies

These past few years have opened my eyes

There is an awakening on the rise

The word, the truth never Lies

The Divine Creator is Salvation

What is his TRUE NAME

For in his name, there is power

What\'s our Creators name

Why do wicked men play such cruel games

Should I continue to call upon a man-made God 

What is our Father\'s name

We are taught to glorify, JESUS in English 

IESOUS in Greek

YESHUA in Aramaic

What is our Creator\'s Name

Why won\'t you stop playing these wicked games

Father reveal to us your true name

There is conflict in our hearts, soul, and brain 

All we want to do is worship and glorify you

Reveal your name.