Xamaira V




It feels like yesterday when I saw your

    Tall, slim body

            Your tight brown curls 

    Your overgrown beard that looked

So perfect on your skin 


  It feels like yesterday when I saw you on those 

Childish boy shorts,

       and that shirt that screamed loudly “I didn\'t try”


It feels like yesterday when I got lost in those 

caramel gazing eyes

        That pierced through me

           That didn\'t allow me to keep secrets


It feels like yesterday when I knew you were all that I wanted 

All that I cared about 


    All that I knew


                                It feels like yesterday when I figured out that It didn\'t mean anything 

Not to you, and not to me


           It feels like yesterday when I laid on my bed


     Because we both knew the reality 


        It feels like yesterday when my favorite rock band

                  Turned to be you 

                                                  Where my favorite spot to chill was you 

       Where every place, every smell, and every memories

           Was nothing except you


It feels likes yesterday when home sweet home was your embrace


           It feels like yesterday when I held your hand 


                                     It feels like yesterday when I noticed your nails were filled with car oil 

               The nails that you use to pay for your passion

                    The oil that represent your hard work

                               The oil that represents your drive for your career, 

                                                         your passion, your future, and your sad past


     It feels like yesterday when you were who defined my mood of the day


                                                       It feels like yesterday when we were lovers

                                                                              And nothing else

                                                                    When we defined the limits


                          It feels like yesterday when you were mine 

                  And only mine


Yours truly


Natalie X. Vazquez