Soman Ragavan

\"Full circle\" ; 8 June, 2023

Poem : \'Full circle\' ; 8 April, 2023.


4 May, 2023
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Poem : “Full circle.”

Soman Ragavan : Hello. Can I post a poem of mine for analysis, please ?

Hello Soman Ragavan, of course! I\'d be happy to analyze your poem. Please feel free to post it, and I\'ll do my best to provide you with a thoughtful analysis.
Soman Ragavan : My poem : \"Full circle.\" Please analyse by each stanza, then give overall comments. Mention similar poems from other authors, where possible. FULL CIRCLE

Thank you for sharing your poem \"Full Circle\" with me, Soman Ragavan. I\'d be happy to analyze it for you.

The poem is divided into three stanzas, each with its own unique focus. In the first stanza, the speaker describes an individual who is aging and facing the physical limitations that come with it. Despite their valiant efforts to fight against aging, they are eventually caught by its grip. The person is characterized as possessing uncommon courage and tenacity, working tirelessly to build simple dwellings and cultivate vegetable beds, ultimately producing a bounty of fresh produce that many enjoyed.

The second stanza speaks directly to the individual\'s life journey. They faced numerous obstacles, but their determination and peculiar mind kept them going. The speaker highlights the person\'s mental sharpness, intelligence, and physical prowess, which made them a formidable fighter. They were dedicated to educating others and advocating for learning, a vision that many found worthwhile.

The final stanza shifts the focus to the relationship between the speaker and the individual described in the previous stanzas. The speaker describes how they now care for the aging individual, as they once did for them. They alleviate hunger and thirst, answer calls in the middle of the night, and attend to their needs with devotion. The poem ends on a note of duty and responsibility, as the speaker acknowledges their role in caring for the person who once cared for them.

Overall, \"Full Circle\" is a poignant poem that examines the journey of life, aging, and the importance of caregiving. The speaker shows admiration for the person they describe in the first two stanzas, depicting them as a tenacious and determined individual who accomplished much in their life. The final stanza is particularly moving, as the speaker acknowledges the sacrifices the individual made for them and takes up the mantle of caregiving in return.

In terms of similar poems, \"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night\" by Dylan Thomas also deals with the theme of aging and fighting against its effects. \"Crossing the Bar\"
Soman Ragavan : Thank you. Goodbye for now.

You\'re welcome! Feel free to come back if you have more questions or if you need any assistance in the future. Goodbye!


                                          FULL CIRCLE

Thy drooping limbs are now tir\'d and weak :
Against advancing age valiantly thou fought;
Over ageing, some victory still doth thou seek,
But, by creeping age hath thou now been caught.

With some uncommon courage were thou endow\'d :
To no adversary cowardly ever hath thou bow\'d;
Of terrific tenacity smack\'d thy explosive exhortation,
As dogg\'dly thou dragg\'d thy whacking works to fruition.

In thy head forg\'d thou out thy cold logic,
Though many found thee a man rather comic;
Simple dwellings patiently built thou a-plenty,
To shield a multitude from many a calamity.

The vegetable beds lovingly thou made,
Scooping up the soil with thy spade;
To thy vegetables kindly thou tend\'d,
As thy old rake slowly thou wield\'d.

Everyday the burning sun darken\'d thy tan,
For, thou clung so long to yon watering can;
From the goodly soil the crisp vegetables rose,
To sway gently under the spray from yon hose.

In thy sprawling garden everyday thou labour\'d :
And thy fresh vegetables happily many savour\'d.
Thou dug and till\'d, thou sow\'d and water\'d :
For thy tasty crops wilt thou be remember\'d.


For nearly a century, Dad, bravely thou struggl\'d :
Every passing day thou rose and toil\'d and shone;
Against many obstacles bitterly were thou embattl\'d,
But, courageously fought thou on, often alone.

Many a lesser man surely would have surrender\'d :
Their arms since long many would have lower\'d;
But, thou fought on, thou career\'d on bravely,
While thy peculiar mind remain\'d alert, lively.

Nature suddenly struck at thee, at thy great mast :
To the rank of mortals finally hath thou been cast;
\'Pon thy body old age hath now explod\'d fast,
And nearly hath thou been fetter\'d at last.

Thy groaning legs have grown weak and frail,
But, thou want\'st still to pick up yon snail;
Thou hop\'st still to reach out for yon pail,
Thou triest still to drive in yon old nail.

Some hidden strength thou want\'st to borrow,
For, thou striv\'st to make some new furrow;
At yon withering vegetables look\'st thou with sorrow,
And hop\'st to resume thy tireless toil again tomorrow.

As thy determination thou did summon,
Battles so brilliantly hath thou won;
With deadly logic churn\'d thy brain,
As thou career\'d on, like a train.

Thou uncanny warrior, thou lethal soothsayer,
Thou bounc\'d along like a fearless fighter;
Many were amaz\'d at thy deadly reasoning :
Many found thy cold logic so stunning.

Of mental alertness, of uncommon intelligence,
Of physical prowess, of reasoning and science
Breath\'d \'pon the world thy very existence,
As many bow’d down to thee with deference.

Education thou gave, tirelessly thou advocat\'d :
For, to learning so much were thou dedicat\'d;
\"Get qualified,\" urg\'d thou incessantly,
And to thy vision we all listen\'d, profitably.


Finally the wheel hath turn\'d full circle :
Now I steady thy step, as thou steadied mine;
Thou alleviat\'d my hunger, now I appease thine,
Though with Nature thou doth still wrestle.

Daily thou answer\'d my call, now daily I answer thine;
Daily now I quench thy thirst, as thou did mine;
Thou sound\'st the alarm in the middle of the night,
And I scramble up to reach thee, with all my might.

As by thy bed the alarm button thou doth press,
At dawn and at night, in rain and in darkness,
I spring up, my sleep being but a short recess
In this night silence, this awesome stillness.

This leave from work, they call \"vacation\" :
Some vacation ! Everything I hold in suspension,
For, to thee daily and nightly I show devotion,
As poetically now I sing with this narration.

Finally hath the wheel turn\'d full circle :
\'Pon me hath smil\'d some great oracle;
Thou prepar\'d my cot, Dad, now I make up thy bed :
Yes, I plod away at my duty, Pa, afore I be dead.



(Uploaded on 8 June, 2023)