Poetic Dan

Sometimes this love really hurts

Sometimes this love really hurts.

I wish I knew how to keep my heart and head in the same game, but I\'m so blessed to have the memories from all the good and bad times we gained.


Absence can make the heart grow fonder but it can also be a reminder of the wall that\'s put up to not lose what we had, in a feeling that nothing is worth having if its shattered again. 


Maybe all of those fragments that once made it whole, can make plenty of patterns but not the one that takes you home. 


Lost in the shadows of nothing being good enough, to see in the reflection that change is a must. For better or worse nothing can stay the same when bitter and sweet share the same name 

To co-exist with the darkness where no light can reach, trickles of hope get put back to sleep. In a never-ending journey of almost got it, as passion slips from the finger tips.


Becoming numb from questions and bewildered by the answers. Was it never in my cards to have a happy ever after, or are we all just suffering from blindness that would unite us


I move with the spirit to pass on more love than I found and undo any damages my choices compound. 

Writing from my soul to push illumination where it has never been before! 


Living moment to moment knowing there\'s an infinite amount of doors to explore.